


Oil, Gas and Power Generation 


Our experts are available to assist you and to provide time-critical and reliable testing solutions for every requirement of the Oil, Gas and Power generation.


1. Materials Testing 

2. Materials Characterization 

3. Failure Analysis 

4. Corrosion Services 

Corrosion of assets in the Oil and Gas sector is a major concern and creates a serious financial and technical burden. Spectrumlabs can assist in cases such as: 

  • identifying the correct grade of material by performing exposure tests in various custom environments 
  • performing Natural Salt Spray tests to assess protective coating system performance

5. Coatings Testing 

6. Polymer Matrix Composites Testing 

Polymer matrix composites in the form of process vessels, storage tanks and piping become significant parts of the production process. Their reliability and structural performance need to be assessed prior to production, during production or during service. A variety of mechanical, weathering, fire resistance and others testing procedures are available at Spectrumlabs.  Contact our Experts to assist you in defining a suitable testing strategy. 

7. NDT Services 

A wide range of conventional and advanced NDT methods are available, applied through our experienced and certified personnel via our sister company. Please visit   

8. Calibration 

9. Weld Procedure / Welder Qualification & Certification.

10. Weld Testing 

11. Welding Inspection 

12. Chemical Analysis 

Chemical analysis of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for grade determination and comparison can be performed by several methods depending on the type of sample available. Methods which our Laboratory can apply include Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF – PMI) and Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AAS). 

13. Water Testing Services 

14. Air Quality 

15. Environmental Compliance